Student Partnership

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Partner?

At C5 Schools, Partners are donors who financially support students to attend a C5 School. Technically the gift helps all students in need, but the Partners are matched with a particular student to cultivate relationship and encouragement.

What does my gift cover?

There are two Partner levels: Full Partner and Co-Partner. Full Partner gifts offset about 95% of the cost for one student to attend a C5 School. Co-Partner gifts offset about 47%.

Who provides the rest?

Primarily Cornerstone Partners. They make generous gifts of $25,000 or more to bridge the financial gap to C5 for even more students. All parents have “skin in the game,” and together contribute approximately 10-20% collectively.

Is there a best time to give?

Each year we aim to start the school year in a strong financial position. We ask Partners to give before the school year if possible, but we’ll gladly accept gifts at any time!

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Yes! C5 USI is seeking 501(c)(3) non-profit. Currently Incarnation Anglican Church is serving as its Fiscal Sponsor, meaning that all gifts are tax-deductible.

Can I give my student a gift?

We typically discourage personal gift-giving, but you’re welcome to write a note to your student or arrange a time to bring treats for his or her class.

Will I receive anything from the student I support?

Each fall you’ll receive a prayer card with your student’s picture, a personal note, and a comment from their teacher. You’ll also receive a hand written thank-you from your student at the end of the school year.

Besides giving, are there outside requirements for Partners?

No. We invite Partners to meet the student(s) they are matched with by attending two Partner Day events each school year, and share the joy of C5 Schools with their friends.

Do Partners mentor students?

No. We have separate volunteer and mentor programs you can join, if interested.

Can I visit my student?

We invite Partners to visit the student(s) they are matched with at two Partner Day events each school year, typically late-September and mid-May. If you’re unable to attend, please contact us to arrange another time!

Can I take my student to a sports game, show, etc.?

We’re happy to arrange visits at a C5 School but are unable to coordinate off-site visits for Partners and students for liability reasons.

Do Partners interact with families?

Families are deeply grateful for the financial support they receive but typically aren’t able to meet their child’s Partner.

Where do students come from?

C5 Schools primarily serve families in the urban communities. Students often hear about C5 Schools through family, friends, coaches, pastors, and mentors.

What if my student leaves?

C5 School serve a transient, low-income population. We work hard to build strong relationships with families. Should a student leave, we match Partners with another student.

Want to Become a Student Partner?

Complete our “Let’s Connect” form on the Contact Us page.