What Do We Value?


C5 Urban School Initiative exists to educate, equip & empower churches & pastors to start and support classical Christian schools for the under-served and under-resourced in their communities for the sake of the Great Commission.

Core Values

  1. Festive Paideia: The culture the Church.

  2. Festina Lente: “Make haste slowly”

  3. Arete: Excellence — “No hot dogs”

Strategic Anchors

  1. Simplicity: Less is More

  2. Radical Accessibility: Removing as many barriers as possible to educate children in families that are willing to put in the work.

  3. Humane education: “Making carpenters into men, not men into carpenters.” (Dubois)

Key Commitments

  1. Prayer & Fasting

  2. Every family pays something. Every family treated like they pay 100%.

  3. High Expectations. High Support. High Accountability.

  4. Low barrier to entry. High commitment to remain.

  5. Beware the subtle bigotry of low expectations.

  6. “In loco parentis”—No parent wants a “hot dog” education for their child.

  7. Making carpenters into men—not men into carpenters.

  8. Partnership: Church. School. Parent (or caregiver)

  9. We help start and support schools in Kansas and beyond who have shared vision & values. 

  10. While recognizing the importance of local distinctives and the uniqueness of our funding model, we are committed to following best practices for private Christian schools.